May 24, 2013

Knee Surgery & Spay Today

Say "cheese!"

 My baby girl is in surgery right now. The doctor gave us the option of doing an arthroscopic procedure first to determine if the cruciate ligament was torn (they aren't 100% sure). I agreed this was a great idea because if they were to look inside the knee and find that the ligament isn't torn, it means they can close up the 2 very small holes and we will move forward to figure out what is wrong with her knee. The doctor said she is a very special case. They don't ever see dogs under the age of 3-4 years old with torn ligaments because it is a degenerative condition. It is frustrating to know that whatever is going on in her knee is the direct result of the attack last year, but that's what I've always suspected.

We also opted to have her spayed while she is under anesthesia. I know at this point she does not have a chance of getting any hunting titles, so I won't ever breed her. It's upsetting because her current trainer told me she has an immense amount of potential due to her drive and how biddable she is. The doctor gave me the option of doing a regular spay or a laparoscopic spay. She explained that in a laparoscopic procedure they cut 2 small holes and only remove the ovaries, leaving the uterus intact. This is less painful for the dog and has a much faster healing time. We've decide to go the laparoscopic route.

Here's a great article on the method if you're interested in reading about it:

"Announcing a New Safer Alternative to Traditional Spaying"

Riley had a special breakfast of salmon, sweet potato, and kibble yesterday morning. We drove up to UC Davis an hour early so she could relax and we could spend some time at the park on campus before dropping her off. She had a blast! She "hunted" some squirrels, ate some delicious grass, and relaxed in the sunshine on the lawn.

"Come out and play, little squirrel!" ;)

"NOM!" Riley thinks UC Davis grass is delicious
I miss my baby girl and I'm anxiously awaiting a call from the doctor to hear how the surgery went. I will post an update soon!

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